Saturday, May 8, 2010

Double parking, and the White Truck Theory

(Prime example of someone who was never told "No" as a child.)

Over the years, I have watched as drivers invent new ways to endanger each other. My mother made an observation once that it is usually people driving white trucks. The bigger the truck, the bigger the jerk, and the more ridiculous the driving. You can usually spot white trucks doing any of the following:

  • Double parking
  • Triple parking
  • Flipping U-turns on the freeway (This usually happens in front of the "No U-Turn" signs
  • Jumping cement medians on state-street
  • Cutting people off (usually on the freeway)
  • Going 80 in a residential, or school zone
  • Stopping on cross-walks during traffic jams
  • Being generally inconsiderate
In addition to the white truck theory, Ive noticed a rapid increase in red trucks participating in these nefarious acts.

Today at the store, I was looking for a parking spot. I noticed a red truck taking up three parking spots. I decided to fight back. I placed a shopping cart behind their car. I know it was petty, but it made it so they had to move the cart in order to leave. This one extra step that they were forced to take could have been avoided if they had taken one extra step, and not triple parked.

Additionally, I am surprised that the super-ego who parked the truck didn't just try and back over the cart to assert their alpha maleness.

In short, its time to take a stand. If your reading this, you are the resistance.


  1. I just looked at the photos I took from Kate's accident. She was hit by a "white truck." I will start keeping my eye on those white trucks from now on.

  2. okay, i know i'm late on finding your blog, but i love it!
    and my father-in-law just bought a big white truck. hahaha.

  3. When I worked at Convergys there was this white truck that would take up two parking spots. I would always spit on the windshield. Once I was late to work, I could have totally been on time if I didn't have to drive around looking for a spot. I spit extra that day and left a note saying next time it would be pee. Sadly I quit after words... I would have done it, just ask kate.
